Announcing a Name Change for the Provider of LINE Official Accounts

Dear users of LINE Official Accounts:

LINE Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “LINE”) and Yahoo Japan Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Yahoo Japan”) will be integrated into a single company as of October 1, 2023, becoming LY Corporation.

With this reorganization, the name of the provider of each LINE Official Account (“hereinafter referred to as “Official Account”) for the various services currently being provided by LINE will change to LY Corporation beginning October 1, 2023. (Please note that, due to our system, it may take some time before the name change is visible to all users).

As a general rule, there will be no change to the name or announcements of each Official Account for which the provider’s name will be changed. If any change arises, the details of the change will be individually notified from the corresponding Official Account.

The following Official Accounts will see the provider’s name changed from LINE to LY Corporation:

LINE 날씨친구 (@lineweatherkr)
LINE日语翻译 (@linecnjp)
LINE일본어통역 (@linekrjp)
ENG-ESP translator (@lineenes)
LINE Việt Nam (@lineeventvn)
LINE EVENT (@lineeventsg)
LINE영어통역 (@linekren)
EN-TH translator (@lineenth)
RUS-ENG translator (@lineruen)
ENG-RUS translator (@lineenru)
LINE韩语翻译 (@linecnkr)
LINE중국어(간체)통역 (@linekrcn)
DEU-ENG Übersetze (@linedeen)
ENG-DEU translator (@lineende)
LINE중국어(번체) 통역 (@linekrtcn)
VI-EN translator (@linevien)
EN-VI translator (@lineenvi)
LINE 재해 속보 (@line_disaster_alert)
LINE TODAY (@linetodayhk)
LINE POD (@pod_global)

In addition, if you are using an Official Account that LINE provides for countries or regions outside of Japan, the vendor’s name of that Official Account will also be subject to change.

If you wish to confirm the provider’s name of the Official Account(s) that you are currently using, check the bottom of the profile page for each Official Account, where the provider’s name appears. (Note: Not the “©LINE Corporation” at the very bottom of the page).

Thank you for your continued support.